Providing Filling Machines to Support You with a Total Solution

Oji supports you in carton design, consulting, product customization and with filling machines to provide a total solution. Galdi provides suitable filling solutions for gable top cartons. Oji and Galdi are working together, each with its own strengths.

The Solutions That We Can Provide

By offering the filling machine, we are supporting the customer with not only the packaging but a customized total solution, which includes

Filling Machine and Equipment

Galdi has three types of filling machines suitable for Oji’s gable top cartons : RG21,RG50 and RG270.


Designed for the forming and sealing of Gable Top cartons and for the filling of most of liquid food products, our future-proof filling solution is characterized by an entry-level production capacity (up to 2.000 cartons per hour) and by a very high ease of use and maintenance. This filler is ESL technology-ready.
Contents suitable for this filling machine:
ESL milk • fresh milk • plant-based beverages • cream • drinking yoghurt • fruit juice • liquid egg • other liquid food products


Suitable for milk and plant-based drinks, but also for liquid egg and dry food, this great little filler (up to 3.000 cartons per hour) has become popular among small and big manufacturers worldwide. Originally conceived for fresh milk, the RG50 model was redesigned to accommodate the Ultra Clean module, which increases the shelf life of dairy products to 21 days.
Contents suitable for this filling machine:
ESL milk • fresh milk • plant-based beverages • cream • drinking yoghurt • fruit juice • liquid egg • other liquid food products


Galdi’s automatic filling machine series RG270 is designed for the forming, filling and sealing of Gable Top paperboard cartons: from efficiency to hygiene, from reliability to ergonomics, our RG270 food filling machine is advanced in many ways. Thanks to its high production capacity (up to 7.000 cartons per hour), this packaging machine is ideal for medium and large manufacturers.
Contents suitable for this filling machine:
ESL milk • fresh milk • plant-based beverages • cream • drinking yoghurt • fruit juice • liquid egg • other liquid food products

About Galdi – Filling Machine Company

Galdi is a family-owned Italian company that offers complete and added-value solutions for the filling and packaging of food products in gable top cartons, committed to ensuring customer satisfaction through ongoing relationships.
Galdi supports its clients with training and consultancy services in packaging and product innovation, microbiology and engineering of the production line, taking care of all steps from the packaging idea to the product on the shelf.
Combining constant improvement with a client-centred approach, the company offers an increasing range of resources and solutions to its clients to add value to their business, both before and after the sale.
With more than 30 years of experience, as partners of the leading manufacturers of liquid food worldwide Galdi also assists small producers who are willing to have their products packaged or to explore new market opportunities.

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